The source code shown below is really a combination of four different files. Start.asp and End.asp are examples. The Encryption.asp does all of the encrypting/decrypting work, which KeyGen.asp needs only to be run once, to generate the initial key. (For more information, be sure to read Encryption with ASP.

START.ASP ************************************************************************ <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Response.Buffer = "True" %> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/4Guys/Encryption.asp"--> <% 'set up our querystring variables to pass to the next file Script_Language = "Active Server Pages" Nomination_1 = "" Nomination_2 = "" 'set up the querystring Encryption_String = "?SL=" & Script_Language & "&N1=" & Nomination_1 & "&N2=" & Nomination_2 'get key Encryption_Key = mid(ReadKeyFromFile(Encryption_KeyLocation),1,Len(Encryption_String)) 'encrypt the querystring and create new format ENCRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT = "crypt=" & EnCrypt(Encryption_String) 'Redirect to next page with syntax [page.asp?crypt=youcantseeme] Response.Redirect "end.asp?" & ENCRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT %> ************************************************************************ END.ASP ************************************************************************ <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Response.Buffer = "True" %> <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/4Guys/Encryption.asp"--> <% 'retrieve out encrypted querystring info - replace Request.QueryString with request_equerystring Script_Language = request_equerystring("SL") Nomination_1 = request_equerystring("N1") Nomination_2 = request_equerystring("N2") Response.Write "The Y2K award for top scripting language goes to " & Script_Language & "<br><br>" Response.Write "The nominations for cool website are: -<br><br>" Response.Write Nomination_1 & ", " & Nomination_2 %> ************************************************************************ ENCRYPTION.ASP ************************************************************************ <% Dim Encryption_Key, Encryption_KeyLocation, DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT, g_CryptThis Encryption_KeyLocation = "c:\emmanoble\4Guys\key.txt" g_CryptThis = request.querystring("crypt") Encryption_Key = mid(ReadKeyFromFile(Encryption_KeyLocation),1,Len(g_CryptThis)) If Len(g_CryptThis) > 1 then DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT = DeCrypt(g_CryptThis) End If Function request_equerystring(GetQueryString) Dim i,Found_It,Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT,Found_It_Here, TrimExcess Found_It_Here = 0 TrimExcess = 0 Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT = "" for i = 0 to Len(GetQueryString) Found_It = InStr(1, DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT, "&" & GetQueryString & "=", 1) If CInt(Found_It) > 0 then Found_It_Here = Found_It TrimExcess = 1 End If If Found_It_Here < 1 then Found_It = InStr(1, DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT, "?" & GetQueryString & "=", 1) If (CInt(Found_It) > 0) then Found_It_Here = Found_It TrimExcess = 2 End If End If if Found_It_Here > 0 then Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT = Right(DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT,(Len(DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT))-Found_It-Len(GetQueryString)-TrimExcess) Found_It = InStr(1, Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT, "&", 1) if CInt(Found_It) > 0 then Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT = Left(Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT,Found_It-1) End If End If Next request_equerystring = Chop_DECRYPTED_CYPHERTEXT End Function Function EnCrypt(strCryptThis) strCryptThis = ChkString(strCryptThis) Dim strChar, iKeyChar, iStringChar, i for i = 1 to Len(strCryptThis) iKeyChar = Asc(mid(Encryption_Key,i,1)) iStringChar = Asc(mid(strCryptThis,i,1)) iCryptChar = iStringChar + iKeyChar If iCryptChar > 255 then iCryptChar = iCryptChar - 256 End If 'iCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar strEncrypted = strEncrypted & Chr(iCryptChar) next EnCrypt = Server.URLEncode(strEncrypted) End Function Function DeCrypt(strEncrypted) Dim strChar, iKeyChar, iStringChar, i, iDeCryptChar for i = 1 to Len(strEncrypted) iKeyChar = (Asc(mid(Encryption_Key,i,1))) iStringChar = Asc(mid(strEncrypted,i,1)) iDeCryptChar = iStringChar - iKeyChar 'iDeCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar If iDeCryptChar < 0 then iDeCryptChar = iDeCryptChar + 256 End If If (iDeCryptChar = 34) or (iDeCryptChar = 39) then Response.write "We detected a possible encryption ERROR<br>" Response.write "please contact Error:" & g_CryptThis & "<br>" Response.end Else strDecrypted = strDecrypted & Chr(iDeCryptChar) End If next DeCrypt = strDecrypted End Function Function ReadKeyFromFile(strFileName) Dim keyFile, fso, f set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set f = fso.GetFile(strFileName) set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2) Do While not ts.AtEndOfStream keyFile = keyFile & ts.ReadLine Loop ReadKeyFromFile = keyFile End Function Function ChkString(string) If string = "" then string = " " End If ChkString = Replace(string, """", "") ChkString = Replace(ChkString, "'", "") End Function %> ************************************************************************ KEYGEN.ASP ************************************************************************ <% Const g_KeyLocation = "C:\emmanoble\4Guys\key.txt" Const g_KeyLen = 512 On Error Resume Next Call WriteKeyToFile(KeyGeN(g_KeyLen),g_KeyLocation) if Err <> 0 Then Response.Write "ERROR GENERATING KEY." & "<P>" Response.Write Err.Number & "<BR>" Response.Write Err.Description & "<BR>" Else Response.Write "KEY SUCCESSFULLY GENERATED." End If Sub WriteKeyToFile(MyKeyString,strFileName) Dim keyFile, fso set fso = Server.CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") set keyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strFileName, true) keyFile.WriteLine(MyKeyString) keyFile.Close End Sub Function KeyGeN(iKeyLength) Dim k, iCount, strMyKey lowerbound = 35 upperbound = 96 Randomize for i = 1 to iKeyLength s = 255 k = Int(((upperbound - lowerbound) + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) strMyKey = strMyKey & Chr(k) & "" next KeyGeN = strMyKey End Function %> ************************************************************************